5 Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport

5 Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport

Imagine arriving at Srinagar Airport in the Kashmir Valley, where the air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers and a sense of history lingers in the breeze. Right beyond the airport, there are incredible Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport waiting to be explored, each offering a unique blend of tranquility and cultural significance. Explore the enchanting destinations near Srinagar Airport, and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of experiences that these places have to offer. Whether you seek serene landscapes or wish to delve into the historical roots of the region, the Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport promise an unforgettable journey.

In this adventure, we’ll discover spots near Srinagar Airport that not only showcase stunning natural beauty but also hold stories of the past. From the exquisite Mughal gardens to sacred shrines and breathtaking hilltop views, each location has its own charm. Join us as we learn about Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, Hazratbal Shrine, Shankaracharya Temple, and the renowned Dal Lake. These places go beyond history and peace; they also showcase the wonders of nature.

As we delve into the captivating locales surrounding Srinagar Airport, let’s shed light on Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport. As we explore, we’ll also discuss the approximate costs associated with experiencing these wonderful moments. This way, your journey to Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport can be both enjoyable and budget-friendly.

Get ready for an adventure where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously, and each view tells a unique story of Kashmir’s timeless beauty.

Shalimar Bagh: A Magical Mughal Garden

Shalimar Bagh, Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport
25 km from Sheikh ul Alam International Airport, Srinagar

Why it’s special:

  • Created for a King: Long ago, this garden was created for King Jahangir.
  • Beautiful Purpose: Originally, it was like a special backyard for the king to relax and have fun.

How it looks:

  • Up and Down: The garden is made like a staircase, going up and down in parts.
  • Pretty Trees: There are lots of colorful trees, especially Chinese trees, making it look really pretty.
  • Water Play: In the middle, there’s a stream and fountains that make a nice water show.

What You Can See:

  • Mountain View: If you look around, you can see big mountains, which makes the garden even more beautiful.

Why it’s important:

  • Old Design: The way the garden looks is a special design from a long time ago, when kings and queens lived in big palaces.
  • Party Place: Sometimes, people have parties and celebrations in the garden.

What You Can Do There:

  • Walk and Talk: It’s a great place for a slow walk and enjoying the nice garden and old buildings.
  • Take Pictures: Many people like to take pictures because the garden is so pretty.

How Much It Costs:

  • Ticket Price: To go inside, you need to pay around $5 or ₹350.

Extra Things to Know:

  • Water in the Middle: There’s a stream of water in the middle that makes the garden even more special.
  • Four-Part Layout: The way the garden is set up is like how they used to do it in a special design a long time ago.

Shalimar Bagh is undoubtedly one of the must-visit places near Srinagar Airport. A great location to unwind and have fun, it is like walking into a lovely garden straight out of a storybook, complete with staircases, vibrant trees, and water features. If you are looking for a place to stop and soak in the beauty, this garden is conveniently located near Srinagar Airport. Shalimar Bagh offers a perfect retreat for those arriving or departing from the airport, providing a serene atmosphere to relax and appreciate the natural splendor.

So, if you have some time before your flight or want a peaceful stopover, Shalimar Bagh is among the top places to visit near Srinagar Airport. According to wikipedia this place has a remarkable history.

Nishat Bagh: A Huge and Beautiful Garden

Nishat Bagh, Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport
Why It’s Different:
  • Biggest Garden: Nishat Bagh is the largest garden in Kashmir, making it very special.
  • Lots of Steps: It’s like a big staircase with twelve parts, and each part has its own story.
How It Looks:
  • Nice Lake View: When you walk around, you can see Dal Lake, which is very pretty.
  • Many Colorful Flowers: There are lots of colorful flowers everywhere, making it a really nice place to visit.
Why It’s Important:
  • Old Design: The garden follows an old design from a long time ago, when kings and queens used to live in big palaces.
  • Big Parties: Sometimes, people have big parties and celebrations in this garden.
What You Can See:
  • Different Stories: Each part of the garden has a different story, like different chapters in a book.
  • Big Mountains: In the background, there are big mountains, making the garden look even more special.
What You Can Do There:
  • Slow Walks: It’s a great place for a slow walk, enjoying the flowers and looking at the lake.
  • Feel History: Walking in the garden feels like going back to a time when kings and queens had beautiful gardens.
How Much It Costs:
  • Ticket Price: To go inside, you need to pay around $4, or ₹280.
More Things to Know:
  • Nice Views: From different parts of the garden, you can see the Dal Lake and big mountains, making it a great spot for pictures.
  • Biggest in Kashmir: It’s the biggest garden in Kashmir, and each part has its own special story.

Visiting Nishat Bagh is like stepping into the largest garden in Kashmir, where every part has a different story to tell. With its flowers, lake view, and old design, it’s a fantastic place to enjoy nature and a bit of history. If you like big gardens and pretty views, Nishat Bagh is one of the must-visit places near Srinagar Airport.

Hazratbal Shrine: A Peaceful Place of Faith

Hazratbal Shrine, Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport
24 Kms from Sheikh ul Alam International Airport Srinagar
Why It’s Special:
  • Very Important Place: Hazratbal Shrine is a really important and special place for many people.
  • All White and Beautiful: The shrine is made of white marble and looks calm and beautiful.
How It Looks:
  • Close to Dal Lake: It’s found very near Dal Lake, making it even more peaceful.
  • Surrounded by Calm Water: The shrine’s lovely surroundings, which include calm water, add to its tranquil aura.
Why It’s Important:
  • Something Very Special Inside: Inside, there’s something really special—a hair believed to be from Prophet Muhammad.
  • Quiet Time: People come here to spend quiet time and feel close to their faith.
What You Can See:
  • All White and Pretty: The shrine is all white and stands out against the blue sky and the lake.
  • Reflection in the Water: Sometimes, you can see the reflection of the shrine in the still water, and it looks really nice.
What You Can Do There:
  • Peaceful Moments: It’s a great place to sit quietly and think or pray.
  • Enjoy Nature: You can also sit by the lake and enjoy the calm and quiet view.
How Much It Costs:
  • No Money Needed: Going to Hazratbal Shrine doesn’t cost any money—it’s free.
Extra Things to Know:
  • Special Events Sometimes: Every now and then, special events and prayers happen at the shrine.
  • For Everyone: People from all over visit the shrine because it’s a calm and spiritual place for everyone.

Visiting Hazratbal Shrine is like entering a calm and spiritual spot. With its white beauty near Dal Lake, it’s a place for quiet thoughts and a connection with faith. If you want a peaceful and spiritual time, Hazratbal Shrine is a must-visit near Srinagar Airport. Located in close proximity to Srinagar Airport, Hazratbal Shrine offers a serene escape for those seeking a tranquil experience. The shrine’s proximity to the airport makes it a convenient destination for travelers looking to explore spiritual and cultural facets of the region without venturing too far. Plan your itinerary to include Hazratbal Shrine in your list of places to visit near Srinagar Airport, and immerse yourself in the tranquility and spirituality it offers.

Shankaracharya Temple: A Quiet Place on a High Hill

Shankaracharya Temple, Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport
Srinagar Airport is 18.7 km away from Shankaracharya Temple in Srinagar.
Why It’s Special:
  • Very Old Temple: Shankaracharya Temple is a really old and special temple.
  • Up on a Hill: It’s at the very top of a hill, which makes it even more special.
How It Looks:
  • Big View: From the temple, you can see a really big and beautiful view of Srinagar.
  • Quiet Hilltop: Because it’s on top of the hill, it’s a calm and peaceful place.
Why It’s Important:
  • For Lord Shiva: The temple is made for Lord Shiva, who is a very important god in Hinduism.
  • Very Old: It has a history that goes back a really, really long time.
What You Can See:
  • Made of Old Stones: The temple is built with really old stones, which makes it feel like a place from a long time ago.
  • City Below: You can also see the city of Srinagar below, like looking at a picture.
What You Can Do There:
  • Look Around: It’s a great place to stand and look at the city and the mountains.
  • Pray or Think: People come here to pray or just spend quiet time.
How Much It Costs:
  • Small Money: To go up to the temple, you need to pay a little bit—around $3 or ₹210.
Extra Things to Know:
  • Another name: people also call it Jyeshteshwara Temple, which makes it even more interesting.
  • Very Old Temple: It’s a really old and special place for people who believe in the Hindu religion.

Visiting Shankaracharya Temple is like going to a quiet and special place on top of a hill, one of the must-visit places near Srinagar Airport. With its expansive views and ancient ambiance, it offers a calm and peaceful retreat. If you have a penchant for exploring old places and savoring breathtaking views, then Shankaracharya Temple is a definite must-visit near Srinagar Airport.

Dal Lake: Srinagar’s Amazing Water World

Dal Lake, Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport
17 Kms from Sheikh ul Alam International Airport Srinagar
Why It’s Special:
  • Very Famous Lake: Dal Lake is the most famous and important lake in Srinagar.
  • Special Boat Rides: You can go on special boats called shikaras, which is really fun.
How It Looks:
  • Market on the Water: There’s a market that floats on the lake, and you can buy things from boats.
  • Floating Houses: Instead of houses on land, there are houses that float on the water, and they are called houseboats.
Why It’s Important:
  • Many People Visit: A lot of people from different places come to see and enjoy Dal Lake.
  • Second Biggest in Kashmir: It’s the second biggest lake in this area, so it’s very, very big and pretty.
What You Can See:
  • Nehru Park: There’s a special park on an island in the lake called Nehru Park, where you can relax.
  • Four Chinar Trees: On another island, there are four special trees, and it’s called Char Chinar, which is a cool place.
What You Can Do There:
  • Boat Rides: You can go on boat rides and see really nice views.
  • Sleep on Floating Houses: Instead of a regular hotel, you can stay in a house that floats on the water, which is different and exciting.
How Much It Costs:
  • Boat Rides: Riding on a boat can cost between $10-20 or ₹700-1400.
  • Staying in a Floating House: Living in a floating house can cost between $50 and $100, or ₹3500-7,000.
Extra Things to Know:
  • Gardens on the Water: Sometimes, you can see gardens that float on the lake, making it even more special.
  • Watching Birds: Dal Lake is a great place to watch many different kinds of birds.

Visiting Dal Lake is like going to a magical world of water in Srinagar. With boat rides, a floating market, and houses on the water, it’s a special place to enjoy nature and have a different kind of stay. If you love water and want a unique experience, Dal Lake is a must-visit near Srinagar Airport.

Safety Tips

Know Before You Go:
  • Before your trip, find out about the local weather, rules, and any important information.
Plan for the unexpected.
  • Consider getting travel insurance to help out in case of unexpected issues like health problems or changes in plans.

Keep your valuables safe.

  • Take care of important things like your passport and money by keeping them in a secure spot.
Emergency Contacts Handy:
  • Save important local numbers, like the hospital and police, in case you need help. Also, keep your embassy or consulate contact information.
Dress the part:
  • Blend in by wearing clothes similar to what the locals wear. It helps you feel more like a part of the community.
Choose reliable transportation.
  • Pick trustworthy ways to get around. If you need a guide or driver, make sure they’re legit.
Stay Hydrated:
  • Especially in higher areas, drink plenty of water. Carry a water bottle and sip regularly.
Stay Aware:
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. Avoid places that feel unsafe, especially after dark.
Stay Healthy:
  • Check if you need vaccinations for your destination and bring a basic first aid kit just in case.
Respect local customs.
  • Learn about and follow the local customs, especially when it comes to dressing, particularly in religious places.
Choose safe accommodations.
  • Pick places with good reviews for a comfy and secure stay.
Secure Your Belongings:
  • Lock up your valuables when you’re not in your room. If your hotel has a safe, use it.
Stay Connected:
  • Keep your phone charged, and let someone know where you are. Check in with them regularly.
Trust Your Instincts:
  • If something feels off, trust your instincts. Avoid risky situations, and ask for help if needed.
Follow the COVID-19 guidelines:
  • Stick to the local rules about COVID-19. Wear your mask, keep your distance, and follow hygiene guidelines.

Remember, these tips can vary depending on where you’re going, so always adapt them to the specific rules and conditions of your destination. Stay safe and enjoy your travels!


As we wrap up our visit to the cool spots close to Srinagar Airport, there are a bunch of awesome places we’ve checked out. From the big and beautiful Mughal Gardens to the calm Hazratbal Shrine, each of these places is like a special piece in the puzzle of this really cool area.

Nishat Bagh is like this big garden with lots of history and stories to discover. The Shankaracharya Temple is up high and lets you see really far, like looking at a big picture.

Hazratbal Shrine is a peaceful place where people go to show their strong beliefs. And Dal Lake, which is the best part of Srinagar, is like a magical place with floating markets, cool houseboats, and the sounds of nature all around.

In these places, it’s not just about looking around; it’s about having experiences that make everything feel special. The cool history, spiritual places, and calmness of nature around Srinagar Airport make for a story that feels just right.

As we say goodbye to these awesome spots, let the memories we made against the backdrop of big mountains, clear lakes, and old shrines be something that makes us want to go on more adventures. Srinagar and the cool places nearby are waiting for everyone to come and discover the magic that’s hidden in every corner.

FAQs: Places to Visit Near Srinagar Airport

Q1: Where are some cool places near Srinagar Airport to check out?

A1: There are awesome spots near Srinagar Airport like the pretty Mughal Gardens (Nishat Bagh), the calm Hazratbal Shrine, the old Shankaracharya Temple, and the beautiful Dal Lake.

Q2: How far are these places from Srinagar Airport?

A2: These spots are not too far, mostly within 5 to 15 kilometers from Srinagar Airport.

Q3: Can families with kids enjoy these places?

A3: Yes, these spots are great for families. The Mughal Gardens have lovely gardens, Dal Lake has fun boat rides, and the Shankaracharya Temple has amazing views for families to enjoy.

Q4: When is the best time to visit these places?

A4: The best time to visit these spots is during the spring and summer months (April to September), when the weather is pleasant and the gardens are bursting with colorful flowers.

Q5: Do I need to pay to get into these places?

A5: Some places have small fees, like Nishat Bagh and Shankaracharya Temple, but Hazratbal Shrine and Dal Lake usually don’t charge to enter.

Q6: Can I get someone to show me around these places?

A6: Yes, you can hire local guides at most of these spots. They can tell you interesting stories about the history and importance of each place.

Q7: Can I visit these places if I use a wheelchair?

A7: It depends, but many places have made efforts to be wheelchair-friendly. It’s a good idea to check beforehand.

Q8: Is there a specific way I should dress when visiting these places?

A8: While there might not be strict rules, it’s a good idea to dress modestly, especially at religious places like the Hazratbal Shrine.

Q9: Can I find places to eat near these spots?

A9: Yes, usually there are local places to eat or buy snacks near these spots.

Q10: Are these places safe for tourists?

A10: Yes, these places are generally safe. But it’s always smart to be careful and follow the local rules for a safe and fun visit.

Continue Reading: 5 Places to Visit Near Jaipur Airport

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